The Long Flight to Antarctica – Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – The Long Flight to Antarctica

It was well over 10 hours from Christchurch, New Zealand to Antarctica and this was our temporary home. I had never been on a plane in these conditions, so it was great to experience something new. However, before I got on board, my friend Stu and I were warned about something that scared us.

We had a briefing from a woman that works for Antarctica NZ before we went. She told us the plane would have people going to the four bases down there: New Zealand, USA, Italy, and South Korea. Each one wore a different uniform. Of course, the Italians had the coolest uniforms that looked like red leather jetfighters that just jumped out of a Ferrari. Anyway, I’m getting off the point.

So this lady told us not to make eye-contact with anyone else on the plane and absolutely no photos allowed. We were like, WTF? We thought Antarctica was some kind of international kumbaya place where we all work together on cool science and stuff. Anyway, she was a total loon… and I completely ignored her and moved around the plane to meet almost everyone and take a ton of photos.

Somewhere above Antarctica.

The Long Flight to Antarctica

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2015-01-06 10:04:26
  • CameraILCE-7R
  • Camera MakeSony
  • Exposure Time1/200
  • Aperture
  • ISO2000
  • Focal Length0.0 mm
  • FlashOff, Did not fire
  • Exposure ProgramManual
  • Exposure Bias